Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Treasured Rides

Some of the most treasured conversations I've had came from a car ride with my family. We use this time to get caught up on our dreams, feelings and secrets. We study for tests, practice our times tables and learn about opposites and rhyming. In the car, I've shared my love for show tunes and introduced them to favorite childhood stories. We've laughed, sang, cried and shared. From games to books on tape, family meetings to history lessons, we've used the many hours we spend in the car as an extra bonus family time. Frequently we play the "count your blessings" game. Today, I can only think of this one...

1 comment:

Mai Bordelon said...

Hello Happy Mommy, I agree. Many of our (my husband & I and sometimes with our children) meaningful conversations took place while we were on a long distance car ride. I believe the quiet and the settled -in feeling for the ride helped us to relax and have more focus on what we wanted to share or discuss together. This has helped us to gain the insight of what the others' thinking and feeling and make the ride more interesting, more enjoyable and shorter (than it really was).